We all need a little help from time to time. 

Tips and "how to" my way. Hope they help you too : )

My very first machine is the one pictured here. Given to me for passing a smattering of O levels when I was 16. Both machine and I are vintage now (but still creaking along : ))

I was always fascinated by my mum's sewing machine. Allowed to play with the feet and accessories, I was allowed to turn the handle on her old Singer machine if I was good too : )   She was a good seamstress and was always making and mending clothes for the family, having worked in a factory sewing and cutting out coats before she married. So I grew up thinking that everyone did this ! 

I do believe that everyone can stitch and create, we just need the chance and encouragement.  If you've used one of my patterns before, you'll know that I do have my own methods. In order to keep our patterns fresh, I try not to browse too many other designers.  What you create, whether from a pattern, or shimmying something together, will be in your own unique style. Never be afraid to experiment or go where others cease to tread. That's my challenge to you and I hope you enjoy every minute  : ))

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